im fucking straight assholes!!!!
fuck off dumbs gays who wanna get to know me at fb and tagged!!!!
newaes... i read ur blog... on the 30th post...
i am not sure who u refering to.. but lemme tell u something..
it's kinda paiseh for me to say this tho...
dun give up k...
just say lah
i tired of chasing
pnat sia
and the other half like malas want to layan also
if that girl is meant for u she is meant for u... and being very honest.. u have the qualities of a good guy.. i may not know u long.. but reading ur body language, u have every quality a girl wants.. mayb lack afew but still..
that's one of the reason i kinda have a crush on u and like u...
i like ur character that is outgoing yet cool..
i believe most girls do..
so don't give up k...
u have my support...
p.s thanks for the support i really need that once a while! and im gonna get my new lb trucks and cut a new deck shape or maybe diy another board.