Friday, February 29, 2008
atika... fairuz...
ebal... amira...


' gangsters'

shamil (titi) and farhan

raymund and the farhan

stop messing around.. better think of your future..
ruddies, a massage to you ruddies..

she was the gerl from katong...
didi_jahat19 lah sei!

foooyooo! zulkhairi and farhan sei!!!

farhan (haji-ustat) and ebal..
what the hell is epul doing???
didi hiding behind me..
Thursday, February 28, 2008
This pictures is taken with the motive of making the last memories as a nct..
pictures with the jorney we spent together..
20 march is the final day
MJ0801C math teacher....

didi studying while luqman is dreaming about
didi act lyke he was a
pecock... man was laughing at him

shamil all day long wif his psp..
dah lah rabun... mak long...!

didi is trying to a gangster

raymund adjustin his hair..
mcm pompan


me and elerick, his 18 bdae was on wed,yesterday

me & peah

me and zul

me and didi (muke step cute siak didi)

me & shamil titi

me & raymund

luqman hakim and me
smoke machine
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
nyaha...!!!(what sally always says) me,rahman,ilham and rafael...
all the face look like shit...
they are actually afraid of heights...

fadli acting to be a
harmless nerd boy with his ite layard ezlink (show off) who need help to get out from that hole....

muhaimin using
my hp to
take his
sexy hansem picture..
shiok sendiri !

again... safe my hp lens never crack!
ite class scene.. discussion being run..
seriouse, p.s emi is dreaming about gerls

nyaha... zul... ebal..
style ehk ma picture
Sunday, February 24, 2008
the coolest and nicest G-SHOCK watch i ever seen...
has not been released in sgp..
p.s i gonna ask my sis for that watch for my bdae man
estimated price:200 - 300 sgp dollars
ASUS eeepc the cheapest, lightest & smallest laptop in the market.
the weak point is,it only have the internal memory of 2gb,4gb & 8gb
and it don't have an cd-rom drive
the eeepc functions is all the same as a normal laptop..
cost: 500 - 600 sgp dollars
23rd feb 2007 outingnerd school boy.. with the big spec and the paramore tshirt.. i look like a

khai, ebal, fadli

in da train...
Friday, February 22, 2008
the crazy ite peeps

guys and 1 girl

SENTOSA school trip... what the hell im doing????

zul, me, shamil(titi)!
hello, kopi-o dan milo everyone..... i get to go ite.. higher nitec in elec engnrig... wah sei.. fun gler lah sei... evryone is gerek there.. bye ... im at skul now ... so must be fast... bye bye, chao chee bye