START 17-07-2008didin't slept the whole nite just to ensure i go skul on fri morning...
18-07-2008 (friday) 0800hrswhen skul then got sw (p.e)
ran 4 rounds around the stadium
do some stuff to prepare for nafa
the result is a tired boy,
cramped up boy,
legs feel like going to drop..
went for lesson skali got firedrill
was fun lah
but not soo kecoh as life in secondary skul
1230hrs i when hm i get change to go out
1530hrswas at cthall wif my work frend
when window shopping
2130hrsat arab strt having a sisha session wif my frend
0100hrswent to chijmes to get some drink and slack there..
0330hrsall of us went home taking taxi and me reach home at 0410hrs
verdictit was overall fun...
i treat my working frend as my sis that day..
19-07-2008 (sat)
wake up at 1100hrs just to go ndp
very tired sei..