Hi guys!
im doing a service for jailbreak ipod and iphone.
ill charge only 30 bucks for the service.
call or text me at 91two7 5six87.

hey hey hey. Im back beyatch!
life have been changing alot.
Soo many downs but no up.
Excactly one month from now
Im already one yr single seh.
I cant believe it, although i dated
Alot of girls. But all cnt go wif the flow wif me.
I dun noe Lah why.. Im super stress wif my love life.
About wani. she got no hope for me. I dont know whY she did this to me.
Im sincere For her. I dont wanna find girls anymore to date coz im already tired.
What more she wants???
Now on my financial side. Ive just got fired from tullys coffee, just bcos i cnt come work
for only one day. i never even paitao work b4.
Only sumtimes come work late....
nw i just got a job,
the coffee club @ orchard..
But i haven started yet.
I cnt live without working.
My parents already in the late 50s.
Only my dad support me wif my school money and transport. dats all.
The rest, my bill, my attire, my ciggss, and the rest. All comes from my money.
I fell very restless without working, more tired if i never work.