Tuesday, January 26, 2010
sumpah ini tidak perlu! (melayu power pe ebal)
haha.. i dun need one currently!
Saturday, January 23, 2010

near miss and near happinessive just came back from teh tarik meeting my old prim and sec friend. aidil safwan danial fadzli zuhairi zuhilmi.
i miss my sister! bler lah nk balik sg ni?? soo rindu u larh sis!
ur the coolest sister ive had! she's dope to the coke! to the pope!! nyaha!
i tresure my family alot.
my dad, mr sarif (kampong dusun gangster, just jk only dad) he has the go with the flow springy and funny attitude. if my mum scold, he will says the my mum, what are u singing siti norhaliza song...! haha!
my mum, Mrs Ahbidah (the cute doraemon of the fam, she always will eat up what ever we never finish when we eat together which we dont practice anymore as all of us are bz)
my bro, Mr indra (the military police. all i can say that he is strict and firm at all time, he is boring)
my sis, Ms yulieza (the runway model and dope sis. she is soo fun to be with, cool to hang out with, although she is firm a point of time, she is very okay go person. i wonder why she haven't get married yet. yo sis, ur 30 this yr! better get married!)
yay! my longboard trucks have reach! yay! cool dok! nice surfy feel. lighter and have nice turns!
sadly i got no kaki to lb. all bz. and aidil's decks bearing burst. soo have to wait for him to get his bearing which is in about 3 weeks time. soo mean while i will be lb alone to improve on carving skills..
soo that the end of my short parliment topic. haha!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
baby by me few days back was a game for me to play.
love thingy again, hate it man when this happen.
a crash landing has happen then went straight to icu within a matter of time.
i was just a normal crush but then thinking and look back, she didnt suite me at all. if i got powers that can change a human attitude, i would already done that and dated her. i guess luck wasnt by my side again. hunting for love hurts, but must endure till u get the right one.
i guess airport girl, u can just be my not so close companion now untill if i got the wiil to change u to a better person.
its fading fast but i try to pull my self back in and endure all this bad plus stupid momments.
about phuket, cant wait for it to happen. i really want to go! confirm fun with my temp overseas date "airport girl" cnfirm damn kecoh uh..
okay. dats all to the paul folks.
Thursday, January 7, 2010

im fucking straight assholes!!!!
fuck off dumbs gays who wanna get to know me at fb and tagged!!!!
newaes... i read ur blog... on the 30th post...
i am not sure who u refering to.. but lemme tell u something..
it's kinda paiseh for me to say this tho...
dun give up k...
just say lah
i tired of chasing
pnat sia
and the other half like malas want to layan also
1:47am unknown
if that girl is meant for u she is meant for u... and being very honest.. u have the qualities of a good guy.. i may not know u long.. but reading ur body language, u have every quality a girl wants.. mayb lack afew but still..
that's one of the reason i kinda have a crush on u and like u...
i like ur character that is outgoing yet cool..
i believe most girls do..
so don't give up k...
u have my support...
p.s thanks for the support i really need that once a while! and im gonna get my new lb trucks and cut a new deck shape or maybe diy another board.