new addiction...
currently im busy with work. everyday work. mon to sat. sun is my only off day sia.. then sun want to go out also cannot, body to tired to go out. damn..
saving up money to get what i one.
if i got enough money. wr200 here i come!
and hercules dj control, for sure ill get it after my pay...
damn sugar u make me soo sad. =(
i just dun wanna talk about this.. makes me more grrr.... haha!
nevermind.. i got some other aims in life that has occupied me.
got to go! update soon if im free!
old road headin for me
going to be a bumpy one for me for the heading month.
starting a full time job soon at hp. 7pm - 7am
i know that i can manage, but things like having a gf, its hard on me.
im starting to think that im really not ready for it.
i feel like i want to further in my life with a companion but things are not making it right.
i think currently i only focus to work. pass. and work. then go ns.
the phuket getaway trip was superb fun! fcuk buddies! u guys make my trip! ups and downs was fun! we should go more trips like this. even in sg also we can do.. it should be a great one with low budget. balik holiday jek kene hutang.fcuk the stupid jet ski. kenne con.
thats all folks. im superb tired. today im gonna start the 1st day of work. 12hrs! here i come!